This week is the first anniversary of the Guilty Pleasures Cinema! To celebrate, we have a bunch of stuff!
Firstly my friend Matt Zion of Wreckless Eating has posted Fan Package 46, featuring random crap I sent him, and I have it on good authority that there is more to come... (hint: he told me!)
Plus if you like the GPC shirt he showed off and the FUBAR one he mentioned, you can get them at the GPC Store!
Second is from my friends Michael J and John over at The Morbidly Made! You may recall my appearance on Episode 3 (if not, watch it now!) but I was also on Episode 4! It's about 50 minutes in and let's just say I had no idea what was going on for the majority of it but hey it was still a lot of fun, and "Nobody Gets Out Alive" sounds great (title withstanding...)
Lastly is of COURSE, GPC Episode 27! It's in deep deep editing right now and will go up THIS Wednesday, February 27th!
Be sure to check it out and hey, don't forget to check out the prior episodes as well if you're unfamiliar because, quite simply...
It's all built up to this: PREDATOR!